When the Lehman Brothers got bankrupt in 2008, it initiated a shock wave through out the planet and dragged the world into a turmoil know as the 2008 financial crisis. The crisis exposed the dark side of the banks to the whole world. Without any doubt the banks were responsible for the disaster but instead of being held responsible they were saved. The UK created rescue packages for the banks and the USA bailed them out. Those people who suffered massive loss, suffering and grief still wait for justice today. As the members of the establishment in the west famously said for the banks that they are too big to fail . However in one tiny nation there was a revolution in the making. A revolution that shocked the east and the west of the world, that nation was Iceland . A nation of only 320,000 people decided to let that banks fail! As according to them the banks were not too big too fail . It didn't just stopped here they even jailed their bankers and especially the chief execut...
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